カリキュラム - 地域の大学連携による国際キャリア開発プログラム

ホーム カリキュラム カリキュラム



※ 募集を締め切りました。



日   程:2013年2月16日(土)~2月18日(月) 2泊3日





定 員:50名(先着順)






9:00  受付 コンセーレ集合・受付

9:30  開講式・オリエンテーション

9:50  全体講義 "Thinking About Thinking"(2時間)

11:50  昼食

12:50  趣旨説明、分科会発表のプレゼン方法説明

13:10  分科会講師の講義 (20分×4名)

14:40  パネルトーク(1.5時間)

16:20  分科会 (1.5時間)

18:30  夕食、交流会


8:30  分科会 (3.5時間)

12:00  昼食

13:00  分科会(2.5時間)

15:30  分科会まとめ、中間発表準備(2時間)

17:30  中間発表(1時間)

18:30  夕食

19:30  発表準備(2時間)


9:00  発表準備(1時間)

10:00  全体発表(30分×4分科会)

12:00  昼食

13:00  振り返り、意見交換、全体総括等(1.5時間)

14:30  閉講式

15:00  バスで宇都宮大学・宇都宮駅に移動・解散(現地解散も可)



"Thinking About Thinking"
 講師:バーバラ モリソン 氏(宇都宮大学国際学部 講師)

Engaging skillfully with the world around us is fundamental to positioning ourselves as global subjects. The quality of this engagement is determined by the quality of our thinking. In this class we will each be actively participating in the development of our thinking; how to raise vital questions, issues and/or problems; how to gather and assess relevant information; how to build an argument by coming to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions, and finally; how to communicate effectively in figuring out and presenting these solutions to one another.



分科会A:"Basics of International Communications"
 講師:我孫子 和夫 氏(元AP通信社北東アジア総支配人、宇都宮大学非常勤講師)

This session is intended to assist students to acquire a broader knowledge about international communications, with a main emphasis placed on the role of international news media. Since they distribute news to people around the world, they must always provide news in a global perspective – a clear distinction from Japanese domestic news media that furnish news to Japanese people. During this session, the lecturer will also offer tips on how to write news stories in English. As a form of communications, news writing should be clear, concise, accurate and interesting. This should help you refine your English-language writing skills.

・The Associated Press (2007) Breaking News: How The Associated Press Has Covered War, Peace, and Everything Else, Princeton Architectural Press.
・Donald Read (1992) The Power of News: The History of Reuters, Oxford University Press.
・Rene J. Cappon (2000) The Associated Press Guide to News Writing: The Resource for Professional Journalists, ARCO/Thomson Learning

立教大学経済部卒業後、カリフォルニア州立大学ノースリッジ校ジャーナリズム学部に編入。 同校大学院でマスコミュニケーション修士課程修了。 1978年、AP通信社入社。フォトエディター、記者、東京支局次長、東京支局総支配人、北東アジア総支配人を歴任。 AP在職中、社団法人日本外国特派員協会会長を務め、AP退職後、東京外国語大学、上智大学、宇都宮大学で非常勤講師を務める。

分科会B:"Speaking as a Representative of Your Country"
 講師:川嶋 淳司 氏(放送大学教養学部 非常勤講師、駐日イラク共和国大使館 大使補佐)

“Strong message, even in poor English.” With this spirit, our Working Group provides learning opportunities for those who wish to explore his or her career at the international levels as a diplomat, NGO worker, and businessman. Participants will draft an English speech presentation on a given theme, and deliver it as a representative of your country in a role-play session. This course aims at developing communication skills and delivering convincing presentations to win support for something you are appealing for.

I listed up two books for reference. The former book shows how you can have a creative workshop, and the latter one leads you to rethink your standing point toward the World.

・『20歳のときに知っておきたかったこと スタンフォード大学集中講義』 ティナ・シーリグ、高遠裕子(訳) / 阪急コミュニケーションズ / 2010年
・『異文化理解の倫理にむけて』 稲賀繁美(編) / 名古屋大学出版会 / 2000年


分科会C: "Thinking Without Borders"
 講師:バーバラ モリソン 氏(宇都宮大学国際学部 講師)

Mutual cooperation, diversity training, international understanding are terms that many of us hear on a regular basis. In this class we will be exploring the ways in which we as individuals engage with these ideas. What do these notions entail on a personal level and how can we put these ideas into effect in our daily lives? For our purposes, and in thinking about a kind of thinking that is both critical, self-conscious and culturally aware, we will be conceiving of “culture” not as something “out there” which needs to be “attained,” but as a form of practice and an attitude with which we engage on a daily basis.


分科会D:"Latin America and the Global Economy" 
 講師:スエヨシ アナ 氏(宇都宮大学国際学部 講師)

Almost every country in the world has been affected directly or indirectly by the protracted global economic crisis, which started in 2008 after the so-called Lehman shock. However, the crisis has had more devastating effects on economies that once were considered traditionally the strongest, the northern hemisphere countries. In the meantime Latin American economies have been buffering the financial crisis impact, by strengthening south-south relationships and by benefiting from the BRIC’s economic expansion. This lecture aims at explaining the new trends in Latin America regarding its relationship with China, and encouraging the discussion on the beneficial and detrimental effects, and mid and long-term perspectives in Latin America.

・Gallagher, Kevin P. and Roberto Porzecanski (2010) The Dragon in the Room, China and the Future of Latin American Industrialization, Stanford University Press.
・Hearn, Adrian and Jose Luis Leon-Manriquez (eds) (2011) China Engages Latin America, Tracing the Trajectory, Lynne Rienner Publishers.

国連開発計画(UNDP) 公共施設評価・財政分析経済アドバイザー(1992‐1993)、ペルー経済財政省・副経済財政大臣アドバイザー(経済分析・公共料金分析・財政政策提言・財政措置・経済政府支出見積もり・予算案、1993~1997)等を歴任。2006年より宇都宮大学国際学部講師(国際経済)。







様式ダウンロード:レポート様式 [Word]

 宇都宮大学学生:  国際社会学科 友松 篤信 教員 E-Mail:atomo@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp
           国際文化学科 渡邉 直樹 教員 E-Mail:naokiw@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp
 宇都宮大学学生以外:宇都宮大学  友松 篤信 教員 E-Mail:atomo@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp